Delivering insight into the education, training, and work needs of 16-24-year-olds in Wales

The Welsh Government is committed to ensuring that the voices of young people influence its decisions on policies and activities affecting them.

The Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG) is a commitment made by the Welsh Government to ensure that young people in Wales receive the support and opportunities they need to reach their potential following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. The YPG guarantees an offer of support to help young people either secure a place in education or training, find employment, or become self-employed. This guarantee is for every young person aged 16-24 who lives in Wales.

In May 2022, the Welsh Government launched its National Conversation with young people in Wales to better understand how 16-24-year-olds perceive the support available, what they need, and the barriers they face.

As part of the National Conversation, Beaufort Research was commissioned by communications agency Golley Slater to explore young people’s views and experiences. The research approach included three waves of qualitative research over the course of a year, along with several tracking studies using our Wales Omnibus survey.

Our qualitative sample over the 12 months included young people from diverse backgrounds, such as those not in education, employment, or training (NEET), young carers, disabled young people, and those at risk of or with experience of homelessness. We tailored discussions to meet participants’ needs by organising smaller groups, paired interviews, both face-to-face and online sessions, and involving support workers where necessary.

Many participants from the first stage of research also took part in later discussions, which focused in more detail on themes that emerged earlier, such as mental health, transportation challenges, and work experience.

This ‘panel’ approach allowed us to provide feedback to participants during the research about the steps the Welsh Government was taking in response to the National Conversation. Golley Slater and the Welsh Government have been using our insights in various ways, including developing campaigns that encourage young people to explore the support available in Wales to achieve their education, training, and employment goals.

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