The largest UK survey of young people and sport





Beaufort have been responsible for many self-completion surveys conducted on behalf of Sport Wales, including the 2018 School and Further Education Sport Surveys. These surveys provide a rich insight into the participation levels, behaviours and attitudes of children aged 7 to 16 and provide accurate information on the state of PE provision in Welsh schools and FE institutions.

Over 120,000 children and young people took the opportunity to have a say on sport and their wellbeing via self-completion online quantitative surveys. The response to the survey was so large, that at one point we received a colossal 4,447 responses in a single day! A member of staff from each school was also asked to complete a questionnaire on PE and sports provision at their school. Over 1000 schools took part in the School Sport Survey, helping to make this the largest survey of its kind in the UK.

All schools taking part who met the sample requirements for the survey qualified for an individual data report – recognised by Estyn as an indicator for evidencing well-being and providing insight for tailoring school offers toward pupil demand. Beaufort produced in excess of 800 of these individually tailored reports, comparing the results of each school with previous years as well as the national average. Individual reports were also produced for each of the 22 Local Authorities in Wales.

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